Post one, two or three ideas you have for this essay.  What core value might you try to elucidate?  What central idea might your essay revolve around?  What belief that is meaningful to you might you try to articulate through this essay?  [all these questions are asking the same thing...]
Jake R.
11/15/2012 03:01:09 am

One belief i was taught was to rely on yourself, not on other people. This belief teaches me that to do a job right you have to do it yourself and not to rely on someone else to do it for you. Another belief is to always give your best effort no matter what are you doing. My dad taught me that the term "Try-Hard" is stupid and no matter what you do in life, to give your best effort.

Kate DiRienzi
11/15/2012 11:23:31 pm

I want o talk about how we all have a choice about how we want to live and who we want to be. Despite difficulties you make your own decisions.

Nick Stabinski
11/15/2012 03:43:14 am

something that i strongly believe in is that people are constantly changing. there is always something that influences how we act and the things we choose to be apart of. . these changes can be for better or worse.

Garrick Schultz
11/15/2012 04:53:03 am

I think that the most central belief that I have is that sacrificing for others as the greatest honor. This doesn't just mean to give up my seat on the subway for a stranger, but to do my utmost not only to elevate my self, but to elevate others with me.

Hannah Kohute
11/15/2012 04:59:27 am

I believe in being yourself. I believe that you'll never be happy if your pretending to be something your not, you'll just be tired. Tired of waiting for someone to like your for who you are, and tired of lying to yourself.

Frances R
11/15/2012 05:19:47 am

I believe that everyone is brought into your life for a reason, and likewise you are brought into people's life for a reason. I believe this because I think I was brought into my best friend's life for a reason. Without being in her life, and her being in mine, my life would never be the same and I would never have learned so many lessons that I have because of her.

David S.
11/15/2012 05:34:59 am

One belief I feel strongly about is trying your hardest until the very end. This means that even if you feel there is no hope or no chance something will happen, you still try your hardest until nothing else can be done. Another belief is that if you want something done, do it yourself. For example, in group projects if you are worried about other people doing work, then do it yourself.

Noah Mendell
11/15/2012 05:41:42 am

I believe that every person shouldn't be afraid to express their childish side, in that it is something that all people experience and cherish. Therefore, it simply brings people closer together.

11/15/2012 06:31:47 am

I believe in living in the moment and recognizing what I have. You should cherish every moment with someone because you never know when it will be your last.
I also believe in living life without regrets. Everything happens for a reason and living life regretting your decisions won't make life any better or happier.

Grace C
11/15/2012 06:51:44 am

I believe that it is important to be independent sometimes. I believe this because I went to summer camp one year without any of my friends from home, and it was an amazing expirience in which I learned a lot about myself and gained a new confidence.
I also believe that everyone should be a friend to younger kids. I believe this because I know how much it means to me when someone who is older than me whom I look up to is kind to me and treats doesn't act like they are superior to me.

George Kyriazis
11/15/2012 07:14:12 am

One belief i have is to always respect war veterans.I believe this because they don't need someone else to trouble their lives they've already had to endure so much fighting for their country.My other belief is to call 911 or atleast get help, when an elderly person is having any sort of health issue that could get much more serious. I believe this because the smallest things can cause them life threatening harm.

Priya Badri
11/15/2012 07:21:27 am

I believe honesty and doing the right thing is the best way to keep those you are with closer to you. Without these two beliefs, in my view, it is hard for other people to be able to trust you. If I don't do the right thing, I feel really guilty and I despise that feeling. With honesty, I can tell my parents and friends the truth about something and not have that feeling of regret. It gives me a content vibe that I did the right thing.

Alex Brown
11/15/2012 10:06:28 am

My core belief for this essay is based on the fact that I am atheist. Because of this fact my core belief is that every human is responsible for his/her own actions. Therefor so called "miracles" are results of the power of human nature with the combination of manipulation of sights by the brain. That is the one core belief I am doing.

Philisha Abrahim
11/15/2012 10:11:51 am

I believe although societal time constraints placed on us, as humans, influences standards that certain aspects of our lives live by, it does not necessarily dictate the level of maturity of our character.

Kim H
11/15/2012 10:12:48 am

One belief I have is to not judge others on their appearances. I always feel judged just because of the way I look everyday in school. Instead of wasting time talking about what people are wearing or their flaws, focus on the more important things in life such as friends, love, or family.

Alex M
11/15/2012 10:12:55 am

I believe that the good you put out into the world comes back to you. In the same way, the negative energy you put into the world can also comes back to you. If you do something kind for others, it always comes back to you sooner or later. If everyone does this the world will be a much better place than than the state it is in now.

Katie Pell
11/15/2012 10:13:52 am

Over my experience with sports, I have realized I believe in respecting the game. I have played many teams in many sports and I have found the whining players are a nuisance and they don't respect the point of the game. The points of the game is to have fun, be positive, and be respectful to the officials, coaches, and teammates. If the player respects the game, the game respects the player. By this I mean if you appreciate others, others will appreciate you. What goes around comes around, in this case, college sports opportunities. Also, no one likes to play against a brat.

Matilda Fooskas
11/15/2012 10:19:54 am

I believe in taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves. It helps you differentiate your wants and your needs.

Mr. P
11/15/2012 11:27:15 am

My definition of perfection changed this year. Growing up in a religious household, two households if you count my dad's, and going to Christian school for middle and high school, I often heard the word "perfection". God is perfect; humans are not. I thought of perfection as an unattainable standard--the highest possible point--an unblemished brightness. But the day my daughter was born my perception of perfection changed forever. I now believe that something is perfect if it cannot be made better in any way.

Andrew Pennoni
11/15/2012 11:33:20 am

I believe that you should be nice to everyone and find the good in them. You never know if being mean to someone could come back around and hurt you. You also never know if being nice to someone could come back around and help you. They could invite you to something really cool or fun and if you didn't treat them especially nice, they wouldn't have invited you. Also if you find the good in people, it makes spending time with them a lot more enjoyable.

Jen Rowan
11/15/2012 12:11:12 pm

I strongly believe in always being true to yourself and holding a sense of self. This means having an authority on yourself, following your first instinct, respecting yourself, always knowing what is right and wrong, and being a leader not a follower.

Will Haury
11/15/2012 07:30:00 pm

I believe that laughter is the best medicine. No matter what your situation is, if you can laugh or if someone or something can make you laugh, it means you're already on your way to cheering up.

Katya Kuzemka
11/15/2012 07:56:51 pm

I believe that life is meaningless if you don't surround yourself by people you love and who love you. If you don't love people, an they don't love you, what's the point of being successful?

Dean Maola
11/15/2012 08:05:51 pm

I believe that everybody should have some kind of relationship with music.

Charlotte Mansfield
11/15/2012 08:07:13 pm

I believe that the most important lesson that people learn in their lives are not taught in high school or college; they are learned at a young age, can never be taught my anyone but ourselves, and are the simple principals that govern the rest of our lives. When I was younger and I misbehaved my parents will sit me down and tell me that what I was doing was wrong, I would sit in front of them and try to pay attention but I knew, even then, that it wouldn’t have made a difference if I had. I learned compassion, empathy, and what was right from wrong by making my own mistakes, and these things I learned in the sweltering hot days of summer, my hands covered with cherry flavored Popsicle goop I still hold with me.

Maura Gibbs
11/15/2012 11:23:20 pm

I believe that sometimes friends can know you better than you know yourself.

Emma Belanger
11/15/2012 11:58:25 pm

I believe that the choices you make shape who you are. Whether they are good or bad, they will alter people's perception of you as a person.


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