Post your First Paragraph for the This I Believe Essay here.
Nick Stabinski
11/16/2012 12:01:59 am

The transition from Middle School to High School has taught me a few things. The first of them being, that everyone is openly or secretly a photographer. Second, it is suddenly cool to play hacky sack and frisbee again. The third thing is that people, no matter who they are, are constantly changing.


Charlotte Mansfield
11/16/2012 12:07:54 am

What do you consider the most important lesson of your life? I believe that the most important lesson that people learn in their lives are not taught in high school or college; they are learned at a young age, can never be taught by anyone but ourselves, and are the simple principals and morals that govern the rest of our lives. When I was younger and I misbehaved my parents will sit me down and tell me that what I was doing was wrong, I would sit in front of them and try to pay attention but I knew, even then, that them telling me right from wrong wouldn't have taught me what I should believe is right and wrong. I learned compassion, empathy, and what was right from wrong by making my own mistakes, and these things I learned in the sweltering hot days of summer, my hands covered with cherry flavored Popsicle goop I still hold with me.

Garrick Schultz
11/16/2012 06:16:51 am

It’s important to remember that you aren’t the only person in your life. When you take notice of others around you, it can be a shock to realize that helping other people can feel fantastic. It’s a fact that I know well. Because of this, I believe that sacrificing for others, in any way, is the greatest honor.

Philisha Abrahim
11/17/2012 09:37:20 pm

There are two major parts of our lives, the societal structure and the individual level of personal development. These two components come together to make us who we are. Time,being an outside factor, coincides with both of these things. And although time is present in both parts of our lives, it does not dictate the individual level of progression which is so commonly confused with the design of our lives.

Jake R.
11/18/2012 12:27:48 am

When you are playing lacrosse, a lot of things are going on around you. To become a relevant player on the field you need to take control and help your team to victory. Many athletes playing different sports will try to rely on someone else when faced with these tasks. I am not one of those athletes.

George Kyriazis
11/18/2012 12:49:43 am

George Kyriazis
Mr. Peterson
Language Arts 9
16 November 2012

This I Believe Essay
Have you ever seen an elderly person on the street or in a building? What did you do when you saw them did you try to help them with what they’re doing or just let them go. My name is George Kyriazis I’m a 14-year-old teenager and I see elderly people all the time. I don’t know what goes through your mind but if I see that their struggling with something I normally have an urge to help.

Priya Badri
11/18/2012 02:19:44 am

Have you ever thought about the advantages of being honest? I know I have. Yet these untruths and lies make me feel scared and guilty. I don't know what the consequences will be and I strongly despise those emotions. Everyone grows up with their own principles and morals. Although I have many core beliefs, honesty seems to be the most important one to me. It gives me a positive attitude and I feel happy to do the right thing.

David Shore
11/18/2012 04:35:41 am

Being an athlete has changed me in two ways. First, it has changed me physical. The other way is morally. Going through losses and wins, strikeouts and hits, and comebacks and chokes, it has taught me to persevere to the absolute end. This is applied in my life to not just sports, but school, and my social life. This is a core belief I will take with me wherever I go.

Frances R
11/18/2012 05:32:57 am

I have learned many lessons through my best friend. When I say "best friend" I do not throw that word around for some person who invited me to the movies one Friday. No, I mean the person who I consider my sister, the person I have been through the most with, the person who knows me better than myself.

Noah M
11/18/2012 06:29:34 am

I am not completely grown up yet, and I am well aware of that. However, over the past few years I have began to embrace that fact. I know that someday I will reminisce about when I was younger, so I want to make sure that I enjoy myself while my adolescence lasts. I believe that as a teenager, one should never be afraid to express the child in side of one's heart.

Noah M
11/18/2012 06:30:44 am

P.S. I wasn't here to work on this on Friday so I know that it needs work.

Katya Kuzemka
11/18/2012 06:48:04 am

​I’m a hopeless romantic. I’ll admit it, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I believe in love and its power and all of that stuff that people occasionally scoff at. When people ask me why I believe, well the answer isn’t so simple.

Andrew Pennoni
11/18/2012 07:55:04 am

Sometimes it’s very hard to stand people. They could be extremely cocky and just talk about themselves while you’re with them. Maybe they are always putting you down, or are just plain weird or awkward. Maybe they just always get on your nerves. When this happens it’s very hard to not say something or just leave. But If you find the good in them, it is much easier to spend time with them.

Matilda Fooskas
11/18/2012 09:05:24 am

Taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves is something I have heard many times, in various forms, over the past 14 years. At first, I thought it meant simply giving money, time or food to the poor, or those who had less than I did. As I got older, I found it meant something much more to me. Those who cannot take care of themselves refers to anyone from animals to children. I soon found I had a passion for helping the helpless, and it became as much a part of my life as school and friends.

Emma Belanger
11/18/2012 09:33:43 am

I strongly believe that the choices you make shape who you are. Whether those choices are good or bad, right or wrong, they will alter your perception of yourself and others perception of you. Since this is one of my greatest beliefs, I always try to make the decision that will make me feel good about myself and, in turn, make others feel good too. This is a very difficult thing to do, but what makes it easier for me is having people to look up to, people who I can strive to be just as kind as.

Grace C
11/18/2012 09:34:32 am

Every teenager has that one group of friends that they are always with. You know, those people that you go everywhere with, do everything with, spend all you free time with, to the point where you start to talk, dress, and act alike? And, when your not with them, your surrounded by your family, people in your community, or really anyone that you know and is familiar to you. But how often do you find yourself surrounded by complete strangers, without anyone familiar by your side? Well, from my point of view, not enough. I believe in the importance of not relying on having someone by your side at all times, that everyone needs to go off on their own sometimes and be their own person.

Alex Maillet
11/18/2012 09:55:42 am

When was the last time you did something good for a stranger without expecting anything in return? I believe that the good you put out into the world comes back to you and also spreads. In the same way, the negative energy you put into the world can also come back to you and can also spread. If you do something kind for others, it always comes back to you sooner or later. It also can also have a ripple effect by causing others to do the same for somebody else. If everyone does this, the world will be a much better place than the state it is in now.

Hannah Kohute
11/18/2012 10:19:34 am

Because I am a talkitive fifteen year old, I am always being told to quiet down. "Stop talking," from my mother and "You're way too loud" from my father. I understand that sometimes I scream when I shouldn't and, on occasion, I talk too much, but I've come to the realization that its okay to be loud. I belive in it, becuase it's who I am and I've learned to embrace it.

Kate DiRienzi
11/18/2012 10:23:06 am

Happiness is a word that will never have a simple definition. It is actually a rather complex concept. Some people believe that if they have money, fame or beauty they will achieve happiness. In reality happiness and contentment isn’t something that you can create or achieve. I believe that happiness is a decision.

Katie Pell
11/18/2012 11:15:53 am

As a freshmen in high school I have been opened up to multitudinous opportunities and new people. This year I decided to play tennis for my school. We played many teams that were very skilled and others, not so much. While playing against the very skilled players, their poor sportsmanship was displayed. When my partner and I called a ball out, the opposing team would become enraged and they would throw a fit. After the match I thought over why people play sports; for fun! Players are supposed to enjoy themselves and have fun instead of argue if the last shot was in or out. Respect the rules and others will respect you.

Will Haury
11/18/2012 11:39:53 am

Every person's life has ups and downs, good times and bad times. I believe that when life is good it is best to indulge in it and to enjoy it as well as you can. However, when life is less than perfect, or not entirely living up to your standards, there is no use in having low spirits and letting the bad things get to you. If you can slow down and laugh and make the best of life, whatever your situation, then your experiences will always look brighter for you.

Kim H
11/18/2012 11:49:16 am

What's the point of wanting to be perfect? Society's definition of "perfect" is a stick skinny, flawless body. I think that's disgusting. Everybody is different in their own way. Judging others for the way they appear isn't fair. Society should consider the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover." Appearances could be the complete opposite of a personality.

Jen Rowan
11/18/2012 01:20:08 pm

Humans live every moment, not to actually do what they truly desire, but something else, that will not interfere with their over controlling fear of the outcome, and how it will affect their future. But what if that was their last moment, and their future was forever a mystery. Instead of living with thoughts of mistakes, danger, or the worst result, live every moment to the fullest extent, take risks, and hold power in your life. There is a great difference between performing your necessities each and everyday, or actually living your life and cherishing life’s incredible memories. So if those are your last moments, sit back and know, "I lived my life how it should be lived."

Alex Brown
11/18/2012 07:14:57 pm

My belief is relatively unique, not because of the belief itself but because of the routes, because it stems from lack of belief, atheism to be in fact. Because of this lack of faith my belief is that everyone everywhere is responsible for his/her own actions, and using a divinity as an excuse for these actions is either unacceptable or unnecessary.

11/18/2012 07:15:50 pm

'Goodbye' is a powerful word.The word 'goodbye' can be terrifying to some, but it can also be a way of freedom or letting go. Saying it can sometimes be scary. It could be your last time you see the person and your last 'goodbye' to them, ever. You should live every moment with people and make every goodbye meaningful because it might be your last.


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