Below, write 3 questions that you have about Yann Martel's novel, Life of Pi.
Jake R.
9/10/2012 04:45:25 am

1. Which of the two stories was true?
2. Was the man he met in the middle of the ocean in the lifeboat from the same boat as him?
3. Has anyone ever discovered an island like the one Pi found?

Alex Maillet
9/10/2012 04:47:33 am

1. Was the first or second story true?
2. Did his whole family die?
3. What does he do after he is questioned by the two men?

Frances Resweber
9/10/2012 05:30:56 am

1.) What actually caused the Tsimtsum to sink?
2.) Was the Richard Parker a human or a tiger?
3.) Why was there another human out in the ocean on a lifeboat? Why did he try to eat Pi?

David S.
9/10/2012 06:02:37 am

1. Which story was actually true?
2. Who was the person in the middle of the ocean that Pi met?
3. Why did Pi ask for so many cookies but not eat some of them?

Alex Brown
9/10/2012 06:05:12 am

Did Richard Parker acually exist?
Which one of the stories was acually true?
If the Richard Parker story is true how did the meerkat island function and kill all the fish?

Garrick Schultz
9/10/2012 06:31:35 am

Which one of Pi's stories is true?
If the human story is true, then what did the teeth in the tiger story represent?
How did the boat really sink?

Noah Mendell
9/10/2012 06:52:22 am

1. Was Richard Parker existent at the time, or was he a hallucination?
2. What is the definition of a tarpaulin?
3. How big was the locker on the lifeboat.

As you can see, most of my questions are more physical than psychological. I know that the details of the lifeboat were explained in the novel, but I still had trouble visualizing what it looked like.

Nick Stabinski
9/10/2012 07:19:04 am

which story was true, the people or the animals? what was the deal with the teeth on the meerkat island? what was the relevance to part 1?

Hannah Kohute
9/10/2012 08:08:17 am

Is the carnivorous island real or a hallucination?
What do the meerkats symbolize?
Is it really possible to follow three different religions?

Charlotte Mansfield
9/10/2012 08:38:54 am

1. Which of the two stories is true?
2. How did Pi's many different religions affect him on the life boat?
3. What made the Tsimtsum sink?

Philisha Abrahim
9/10/2012 09:05:12 am

1. Why was the other man Pi met in the lifeboat, in the ocean, relevant to the story?
2.Why did Richard Parker's lack of goodbye affect Pi so much?
3.Was Richard Parker ever found?

Matilda Fooskas
9/10/2012 09:46:47 am

1. Which one of Pi's stories is true?
2. Who is the man Pi met in the ocean?
3. How did the Tsimtsum sink?

Dean Maola
9/10/2012 09:48:27 am

1. What inspired the author to write the story?
2. Is any part of it true?
3. Are the animals on the raft symbolic for the different religions that Pi was exposed to?

9/10/2012 10:00:41 am

1. Which of the two stories is true?
2. What was the purpose of Part I?
3. What was the meaning of the teeth on the meerkat island?

George Kyriazis
9/10/2012 10:05:34 am

1. Which story of the two stories are true.
2. How did the ship sink
3. If the island was real why did the algae become acidic at night

Katie Pell
9/10/2012 10:13:04 am

1. Which story was true?
2. What made the ship sink?
3. How did the floating island work?

Andrew Pennoni
9/10/2012 10:22:24 am

1. Which of Pi's stories were true?
2. Are carnivorous islands like the one in the story real?
3. What made the Tsimtsum sink?

Katya Kuzemka
9/10/2012 10:35:00 am

1. Which story was actually true?
2. How was the carnivorous island possible if true?
3. What did all Pi's religions have to do with the the story on the boat? What significance did they have?

Emma Belanger
9/10/2012 10:39:08 am

1. Where was the Frenchman from the other lifeboat from?
2. Why did Pi go blind?
3. Is is possible for an island like the one in the story to ever exist?
4. I'm also not sure which story is true - the human or animal one?

Will Haury
9/10/2012 11:23:01 am

1. Was the island real?
2. Which of the two stories was true?
3. What made the Tsimtsum sink?

Jen Rowan
9/10/2012 11:23:39 am

1. Which version of Pi's stories was true? Was Richard Parker a real character or part of Pi's mind?
2. Was the Frenchman Pi met and the island Pi discovered all hallucinations? If the island was not real, what was the reasoning behind the creations and characteristics of the island?
3. How did the Tsimtsum truly sink, and how do we know for sure that nobody else survived the incident?

Priya Badri
9/10/2012 11:56:32 am

1. Why did Yann Martel choose to have two stories going on at once?
2. How did Pi reach Canada after his tragedy and hardships? Did he continue to own a zoo?
3. How come Martel had Pi worship those three main religions that he talked about in the book? Why didn't he explore any other religion different from the ones he chose? *For example, Judaism.

Grace Cooney
9/10/2012 12:08:41 pm

1. Was Richard Parker real? If so, was he really a tiger?
2. How are part 1 and part 2 related?
3. Which story is true?

Kate DiRienzi
9/10/2012 12:22:09 pm

1. Assuming the second story was the real one, was the island symbolic of anything?
2. Was the tiger symbolic of himself or was it real?
3. Did Pi actually become blind?

9/10/2012 10:33:01 pm

1.dies the man actually try and eat him or is it a dream

2. What happens after the interview

3. Which story is true? The one at the end it the one in the book?

Maura Gibbs
9/10/2012 10:57:56 pm

1.dies the man actually try and eat him or is it a dream

2. What happens after the interview

3. Which story is true? The one at the end it the one in the book?

Kim Harris
9/11/2012 10:16:59 am

1. Which part is the true one?
2. Did the island symbolize his thoughts?
3. Why is there an alternate ending?


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